Friday, November 6, 2009

Health Care?

There has been much said about the body in metaphysical circles. To start there is a lot of mythology and misinformation about what bodies are for, what they are about, and what their condition reflects. A growing increasingly obvious objection to this New Age model of physical perfection is that it purports a Nirvana fantasy, that if we just get our thoughts in proper order, that a perfect body will suddenly be reflected.

The body is really the soul's vehicle for expression on the material plane. It is the only way the soul can access this classroom about fear, in our case, the Earth-plane. The human body is our current vehicle of choice, and this has proved to be a very effective choice because it has given the soul a very broad framework for connecting to physical awareness and then exerting its higher awareness in order to have dominon over biological urges. The body-psyche complex of a human being comes complete with a biological tendency to fear the future, so this makes the body a perfect tool for overcoming fear.

The above perspective was offered in a workshop given by Jennie Marlow on transforming your health and well-being. Perhaps the simplest first step we can take in improving and maintaining our health is to take responsibility for our actions that directly affect our health. How much and what we eat, what we drink, where we choose to live and what level of stress do we continue to bear in the quest for what marketers tell us we should have to be considered successful. That question could begin with a deep inner search to answer the question "What do I consider to be a succcessful life?" Above all we ought to take some time to look inside ourselves and explore what really lies there.

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