Monday, May 24, 2010

Losing Confidence in the System?

"Money is simply an agreement you have with your culture that scraps of paper, bits of metal, and pieces of plastic can be exchanged for something you want. When people lose confidence in this agreement, money becomes what it really is, something that has no intrinsic value. Because money has no essence, Spirit cannot value money solely for its own sake. You can understand nothing about money until you understand this."

The above quote from the teachings of Spotted Eagle is difficult to wrap your brain around, I know. I get a headache when I think about it. The relief does not exist within the aspirin bottle however but is centered around that word "essence." That is a good starting point of inquiry on a path to curing your headache.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Say good bye to security

"Giving up security usually means giving up your drama about what you have been through in your life. This is because we often envision security as whatever will keep us from going through unpleasant events we have experienced in the past, especially in matters of money and love No journey into consciousness is complete until we leave security behind, and learn to be joyful without it." - Grancfather White Elk