Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cool Essence

"To create from our desire for essence is actually much easier than creating the form, but it takes a set of skills that are undeveloped in this culture. The skills we are conditioned to using are of little or no value when we are creating with essence and these are things like planning, defining, goal setting, forecasting, working harder, not making mistakes, setting time limits or targets and the most lucrative, having a clear picture of the form you are trying to create and putting yourself in that picture." ~ Spotted Eagle from "Creating With Essence"

I listen to this recording time after time to remind me of what I have been doing wrong in trying to create my life and most importantly what I must do correctly. I have tried the methods that our culture teaches and they have not succeeded for me. Living my life authentically and giving myself over to the universe and holding onto my desire for essence as a guiding force for creating my life has begun to give me a life that is not steeped in forms but is growing richer in the essences I desire most. Those being freedom, creativity, and joy to list a few. I can't explain it if I look through the lens of what my culture has taught me and I am in wonder how it is coming to be but I am not arguing with it and I am not stopping. I just spend each day efforting to pry myself from the cultural claws that clutch at me in a desperate attempt to keep me within its grasp. Some days are good and some not so good but the flow is there.

One analogy that could be applied to the whole effort is that of floating on a river and I am headed for a falls. The flow of the water is increasing and so is the fear of the approaching falls, ever increasing and my mind keeps telling me I cannot survive this but my heart tells me, yes you can. Finally, inevitably there it will be, the falls and I will plunge through what my mind told me I could not survive, to the quiet pool at the bottom. There I can enjoy the peace and tranquility of a cool swim, giddy with the joy at surviving what was once perceived as unsurvivable.

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